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How About Nicholas Vardy?

| | Posted in: Individual Gurus

A reader asked: “Nicholas Vardy sends me offers to subscribe to his newsletter. If I am to believe his claims, he could make me rich. He is not listed among your gurus. Would you consider evaluating his track record?”

Nicholas Vardy, The Global Guru, “scours the globe for the hottest investments and trends.” There is no public data on his web site regarding the performance of his investing/trading recommendations.

His commentary archives at The Global Guru spanning April 2006 – December 2009 and at Seeking Alpha spanning January 2007 – June 2008 appear not to fit the criteria for Guru Grades because he seldom addresses prospects for the broad U.S. stock market or addresses the U.S. market only in comparison to other markets. Evaluating his outlooks for non-U.S. country markets, industries and stocks requires collection of many index/price data sets presently beyond the scope of CXOadvisory.com.

However, here are two recent predictions from The Global Guru commentary archive that appear to address the broad U.S. stock market directly:

9/29/09: “I expect the stock market to continue to perform well for the rest of 2009.”

3/24/09: “Although I hope I am wrong on this prediction, I believe that the recent rally has more to prove before we can declare the birth of new bull market. Markets remain on a knife’s edge.”

Also, Nicholas Vardy participated in Round 16 (7/16/07-1/18/08) of MSN’s “Strategy Lab”. He finished third out of six participants for that round with a net return of -14.0%, compared to -14.1% for the S&P 500 Index.

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