Three Questions on Naked Short Selling
December 1, 2006 - Cartoons, Short Selling
Here are three relevant questions…
December 1, 2006 - Cartoons, Short Selling
Here are three relevant questions…
November 30, 2006 - Buybacks-Secondaries
…secondary stock offerings are bad news for companies in financial management mode and neutral news for companies in growth mode. Firm accounting data indicate a company’s mode.
November 29, 2006 - Animal Spirits, Momentum Investing
…data from Taiwan strongly supports the conjecture that investors avoid taking losses so that they do not have to admit mistakes.
November 27, 2006 - Buybacks-Secondaries
…prior downward management of earnings (via accruals) is one reason that firms repurchasing shares generate subsequent abnormal stock returns.
November 25, 2006 - Individual Gurus
Jim Cramer sent comments on our evaluations of his advice (“Jim Cramer Deconstructed” and “Cramer Offers You His Protection”). Because of the nature of Mr. Cramer’s initial message, we retain the personal nature of the subsequent exchange with slight editing (spacing and punctuation) for readability, and substitution of descriptive links for long URLs. The correspondence… Keep Reading
November 22, 2006 - Equity Premium
…investors expect annual equity returns of 3-4% over the risk-free rate in coming years.
November 21, 2006 - Buybacks-Secondaries
…the stocks of companies issuing equity and convertible debt tend to underperform over several years as they invest “easy money” into projects of diminishing returns.
November 20, 2006 - Cartoons, Individual Gurus, Investing Expertise
……you may be seeing something like this.
November 19, 2006 - Individual Gurus - Guru Accuracy: 54%
We evaluate here the the market commentary of Paul Tracy available via since October 2002. Paul Tracy, founder and Chief Investment Strategist of StreetAuthority, is one of Zacks’ “pros.” StreetAuthority describes itself as “a research-intensive financial publishing firm that aims to level the playing field for small investors by giving them access to the… Keep Reading
November 16, 2006 - Mutual/Hedge Funds
…synthetic hedge funds constructed statistically as mechanical trading strategies offer transparent, liquid, scalable, low-cost alternatives to actively managed hedge funds.