The Secret Ingredients of Top Analysts?
March 29, 2006 - Investing Expertise
…industry focus (depth) and general diligence (timeliness) produce superior analysis.
March 29, 2006 - Investing Expertise
…industry focus (depth) and general diligence (timeliness) produce superior analysis.
March 28, 2006 - Investing Expertise
…the aggregate market timing ability, positive performance persistence and stock picking ability of investment newsletters are unimpressive.
March 23, 2006 - Investing Expertise, Mutual/Hedge Funds
…the Morningstar mutual fund rating system offers value to investors seeking funds for outperformance over the next few years.
March 21, 2006 - Investing Expertise
Might the relative sizes of the gaps between analyst target and actual prices indicate degrees of current misvaluation? In other words, is a stock with analyst target price twice its current price a better buy than a stock presently at or near its target price? In their February 2006 paper entitled “Target Prices, Relative Valuations… Keep Reading
March 20, 2006 - Individual Investing
…investors/traders may want to consider how their personality traits dispose them toward or away from outperformance.
March 15, 2006 - Individual Investing
…the wealthiest investors exhibit research-mitigated risk-taking and efficient opportunity search.
March 14, 2006 - Calendar Effects
…there is probably no Halloween effect distinct from the (diminishing) January effect in the U.S. stock market.
March 10, 2006 - Sentiment Indicators
…executives of public companies use optimistic and pessimistic language to communicate credible information about expected future firm performance, and the market responds to this information.
March 7, 2006 - Big Ideas
…this synthesis of the theories of physical entropy, information processing and evolution offers an interesting perspective on investor psychology and financial market behavior.
March 6, 2006 - Investing Expertise
…aggregate distribution of analyst recommendations is a coincident or lagging stock market indicator, and those firms that appear to be most realistic (honest) with their distribution of recommendations provide the best advice.