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Investing Research Articles

3657 Research Articles

Who Reads Yahoo! Message Boards?

…geographical and corporate spans suggest that at least some message boards suggest both independence and diversity. There is not enough information in IP sourcing to infer the presence of valuable private information.

The Secret Ingredients of Top Analysts?

…industry focus (depth) and general diligence (timeliness) produce superior analysis.

Classic Papers: The Value of Investment Newsletters?

…the aggregate market timing ability, positive performance persistence and stock picking ability of investment newsletters are unimpressive.

The Morningstar Mutual Fund Rating System Works?

…the Morningstar mutual fund rating system offers value to investors seeking funds for outperformance over the next few years.

Finding a Use for Analyst Price Targets?

Might the relative sizes of the gaps between analyst target and actual prices indicate degrees of current misvaluation? In other words, is a stock with analyst target price twice its current price a better buy than a stock presently at or near its target price? In their February 2006 paper entitled “Target Prices, Relative Valuations… Keep Reading

Got a Winning Personality?

…investors/traders may want to consider how their personality traits dispose them toward or away from outperformance.

Two Habits of Highly Effective Investors?

…the wealthiest investors exhibit research-mitigated risk-taking and efficient opportunity search.

Halloween and January Effects the Same?

…there is probably no Halloween effect distinct from the (diminishing) January effect in the U.S. stock market.

Reading Between the Numbers

…executives of public companies use optimistic and pessimistic language to communicate credible information about expected future firm performance, and the market responds to this information.

The Entropic Markets Hypothesis

…this synthesis of the theories of physical entropy, information processing and evolution offers an interesting perspective on investor psychology and financial market behavior.