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Investing Research Articles

3503 Research Articles

How About Puru Saxena?

…publicly available information does not support an assessment of Puru Saxena’s investing performance.

Credit Standard Changes and Future Stock Market Returns

Do credit conditions systematically affect stock market behavior? In the March 2010 draft of their paper entitled “Credit Conditions and Expected Stock Returns”, Sudheer Chava, Michael Gallmeyer and Heungju Park investigate whether changes in bank lending standards (net percentage of banks reporting tighter standards for commercial and industrial loans in Federal Reserve Board’s quarterly Senior… Keep Reading

A Long Run Demographic Stock Market Outlook

…demographic projections suggest a reasonably stable long run real U.S. stock market return over the next 40 years.

Beat the Market with Hot-Anomaly Switching?

…evidence indicates that a trader who periodically switches to the hottest known anomaly based on a rolling window of past performance may be able to beat the market. Anomalies appear to have their own kind of momentum.

Working Papers vs. Journal Articles?

The quality of working papers from academia is as high as, or higher than, that of many analyses available to investors from investment industry sources and from other investors.

Are Momentum Strategies Fragile?

The momentum investing approach, whether implemented via simple moving average (SMA) crossovers or lagged returns (or a combination) may be fragile with respect to exact parameter selection…

Short-term Reversal by Industry

…evidence suggests that investors can concentrate the short-term (one month) stock return reversal effect by focusing at the industry level.

Doug Fabian: Still Successfully Investing?

…the long-run outperformance claimed by Doug Fabian appears to be a legacy of methods no longer strictly followed.

Diversifying Across Equity Anomalies

…evidence from nearly six decades of data indicates that diversifying across stock return anomalies consistently beats individual anomalies and the broad stock market.

How About Doug Casey?

…there is not enough public information on these sites to support due diligence on the investment performance of Doug Casey’s advice.