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Investing Research Articles

3503 Research Articles

Guru Age Versus Performance?

There is some research relevant to your question based on mutual/hedge fund and fund manager data. See…

Performance of Buy-Write Strategies for Australian Stocks

…evidence indicates that buy-write strategies generally underperform their underlying stocks in Australia.

Success Factors for Futures Traders

…evidence from detailed, but somewhat aged data, indicates that a typical futures speculator makes money by taking a position opposite that of hedgers in aggregate.

Quantitative Versus Qualitative Hedge Funds

…evidence indicates that hedge funds employing quantitative analysis strategies tend to outperform those that use qualitative strategies, perhaps based on superior market timing.

Testing a Complex Breakout Indicator

…evidence based on straightforward assumptions and tests does not support a belief that breakout indications after Bollinger Band-within-Keltner Channel conditions are reliable.

Is Phil Erlanger’s Research Exploitable?

…available data is insufficient to determine whether Phil Erlanger’s Research is exploitable on a net basis. Portfolio overhead and biases in self-reported hypothetical returns could offset reported gross market outperformance for most investors.

Using Commitments of Traders Reports to Time Asset Allocations

…evidence from a limited sample period indicates that information in Commitments of Traders reports regarding aggregate positions (hedging pressure) of commercial and non-commercial futures traders may support successful timing of commodities and equities markets.

Are Zacks Rankings Exploitable?

…evidence from Zacks representative managed account and mutual fund results do not support a belief that realistic implementations of Zacks Rank data generate substantial net outperformance.

Analyzing the Economic Value of Predictive Variable Trading Strategies

…investors may want to ensure that they base trading strategies on real-time expectations net of search costs and comprehensive trading frictions, with a substantial margin to accommodate data snooping bias.

Jim Cramer Deconstructed

We evaluate here the New York Metro “Bottom Line” commentary of Jim Cramer regarding the stock market via his archived articles since May 2000. Jim Cramer is among the most visible and prolific members of the financial media. He is Director, Co-founder and ubiquitous contributor at TheStreet.com, where he offers his ActionAlertsPlus service. He is… Keep Reading