Combining Equity Sector and Factor Investing
May 30, 2017 - Equity Premium
Are equity sector and factor investing complementary? In their May 2017 paper entitled “Factors vs. Sectors in Asset Allocation: Stronger Together?”, Marie Briere and Ariane Szafarz compare efficient sector investing (diversifying economic risks) and efficient factor investing (diversifying across risk factors) for U.S. stocks, and then assess advantages of combining the two approaches. They first construct two efficient frontiers (sets of portfolios with the highest expected returns across the range of volatilities), one from 10 sectors and the other from 10 factors. Their sector set consists of long-only portfolios covering (1) non-durable consumer goods, (2) durable consumer goods, (3) manufacturing, (4) energy, (5) technology, (6) telecommunications, (7) shops, (8) health care, (9) utilities and (10) other. Their factor set consists of the long and short portfolios separately for (1) size, (2) book-to-market, (3) momentum, (4) profitability and (5) investment. They consider six scenarios consisting of three samples (full period, crisis subperiods and non-crisis subperiods) for long-only and long-short efficient portfolios. They define crises by combining NBER recession dates and Forbes Magazine bear market dates. Using monthly returns for sectors and factors as specified from Kenneth French’s data library and the broad market, along with yields for 1-month U.S. Treasury bills as the risk-free rate, during July 1963 through December 2016, they find that: Keep Reading