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Investing Research Articles

3546 Research Articles

The “Double 9-to-1 Up Day” Signal

…double 9-to-1 up day events may reliably signal abnormal short-term returns, but designing a system to exploit such rare and unpredictable signals is problematic.

Thrill Factor: The Stock Market as Amusement Park?

…game-like trading-enabled visual abstractions of the stock market may encourage individuals to see the market as amusement and treat trading like “edgework,” wherein experiencing anticipated risk becomes an end in itself.

Does the Bullish Percent Index Predict Market Direction?

…weaknesses in the methodology of this study substantially undercut its conclusion that the average Bullish Percent across sectors is very useful for predicting stock returns.

Finding the Sources and Methods of Financial Expertise in a Haystack

…the difference between expert and non-expert performance in investing and financial forecasting is small, making it difficult to discover the nature of financial expertise. Tests of expertise must be realistic.

The Logic of Valuation-motivated Short Sellers

…fundamental analysis (especially accrual-related indication of poor earnings quality) helps valuation-motivated short sellers identify stocks likely to experience reversal of strong past returns.

An International Test of Share Buyback and Secondary Offering Effects on Stock Returns

…in international markets, secondary share offerings reliably predict poor future stock returns, but share buybacks predict good future returns only for small firms.

Stock Returns After T-bill Yield Shocks

…evidence does not support a model of funds flowing predictably back and forth between stocks and T-bills as investors overreact and correct to perceived crises.

Using Insider Trading to Find Informed Short Sellers

…unusual trading by insiders helps isolate which short sellers know what they are doing, and vice versa.

Trading Friction as a Momentum Killer

…successful momentum trading may depend critically on restricting consideration to stocks with the lowest total transaction costs.

Do Finance Professors Believe in Market Efficiency?

Do the experts who arguably should have the most informed opinions, finance professors, believe that the U.S. stock market is efficient? Do they invest in accordance with their beliefs? In their August 2007 paper entitled “Market Efficiency and Its Importance to Individual Investors – Surveying the Experts”, James Doran, David Peterson and Colby Wright seek… Keep Reading